
Literally, this road is named "Dirt Road" but it has since been recalled the old dirt road. It is not paved and never will be, but it is the only way in and out of the Sanctuary in a car. We recommend you drive something four wheel and with a pretty high suspension-the road is known for pot holes, as it is barely maintained.
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Often times, though distorted, the Native Americans are depicted as dancing around a campfire. Though they sometimes wander from their base, this is where they return for rituals on the solstice. It seems a magical place; and when the vial between worlds is at it's weakest on the solstices, it is not unheard of for other things to get through to this side. But come one, come all, and join them around the camp fire- as they sing and dance to their gods for harvest, fertility, and rain.
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The shaman is a strange and wonderful man, but do not come to him to seek straight answers. The magic of his people is alive and well in him, but he speaks in riddles and everything comes with a price to be paid; and though his remedies will heal your ailments, there is nothing to say that you won't leave with an added side effect of magic lingering.
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The Reservation

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Ostrich 0 633 by Ostrich
Oct 9, 2018 17:37:45 GMT -5