Guidelines and Annoucements

If you are looking for the rules and guidelines, please review them here. There is a guideline for each species.

Yes, we know the rules can be somewhat daunting-but I promise we are only doing it to make it fun and straightforward for everyone!
4 threads & 6 posts
The Precedents
Aug 19, 2018 9:49:21 GMT -5
This is where the annoucements will be located, including season events, of the month nominations/voting, and any other thing that needs to be announced. If you have one you would like to add, message a staff member!
2 threads & 4 posts
Site Wide Plots
Oct 9, 2018 17:37:45 GMT -5

Character Shenanigans

Can't wait to get your character started? We have templates for you to follow here, and then just wait to be accepted!

We can't wait to meet your character!
118 threads & 210 posts
Sir Charlie Louis Alder [WIP]
Sept 11, 2018 21:25:42 GMT -5
Hey, everyone's got a profile page of some sort now a days, and being a town of teenagers Firefly Falls isn't any different!
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Here are all the claims you will need as a member on the site! Please remember-you must fill out your face claim(humans) and who's who before you can post ic!
7 threads & 7 posts
Staff of Candlelight Hospital
May 18, 2017 21:06:58 GMT -5
Having a baby on the site? Yay for building up a second generation! Please follow the guidelines for your species here and post for the baby stats; once you decide who is playing it you can then submit your application for it! An application must be approved before a baby is born!
9 threads & 36 posts
Skellington Jack x Ambrosia
Sept 5, 2018 16:07:32 GMT -5
If you would like to set up a page so that others may preview your character and decide plots with you, post them here! :)
12 threads & 58 posts
Pray for the Wicked
Sept 13, 2018 12:14:32 GMT -5
Is your character big on keeping track of their life in a diary? Just want to make yourself a generalized tracker? These are the pages to do it in. :)

Firefly Falls

Port Charles is the only open port on the island, 4 large ships travel from the island to California four times a day. One at 6AM, Noon, 6PM, and Midnight. This is to accommodate any of the gifted that want to arrive on the island but can't due to sun exposure. These ships have enough room to house 20 horses, various pets and 30 passengers each trip. The occasional stray may board.

The port itself is just a bunch of log buildings with 4 docks, one for each of the four ships. Some shops and restaurants litter the port. A tight schedule is held in the office. A small bus leaves from the port into town 6 times a day.
This is the main town strip, where all the action happens. There is shopping to be done! The grocery store looms at the head of it, and there are several smaller shops that can be found down a few side aisles.
The main strip houses two of Firefly Falls' finest restaurants, Smokin' Hot Bar and Grill and Granny Smith's cafe, which is a small 24 hour pancake house.
Here is where most of everyone in the town lives; an apartment complex far nicer than what the quaint little town might think. A few houses and town homes also dot these little streets.
The outer district contains what lies on the outskirts of the town, other than the academy.

Quasar Academy

Andromeda Office is where all the student files are kept under lock and key. It also houses a master copy of all the stables information. All visitors to the academy are required to stop in the office to check in.
4 threads & 14 posts
Butterfly Flutter [Ostrich]
May 1, 2019 22:42:02 GMT -5
The Vega Library sits closest to the front gate of the academy, It houses a front office then the library, which is open to the public, is four stories, lined wall to wall with books. The Librarians keep everything well organized and make sure the building is quiet.
2 threads & 20 posts
Summer Wine [SUE?] [Ostrich]
Oct 10, 2018 13:23:09 GMT -5
Located in the direct center of the academy, the Ursa building stands tall and proud. The 6 story building with plenty of classrooms and offices, also houses the cafeteria, a single gym for those who don't want to take the riding elective for gym, and a theater which adjoins to the music hall which has a band room, choir room, and orchestra room. Each classroom has an adjoining office for the teacher who teaches in that class.
4 threads & 36 posts
If I Could Have Just One Thing [jenn]
Oct 25, 2018 16:27:29 GMT -5
Behind the school is the courtyard. There is a small playground with swings and monkey bars, a tennis court, and a basketball court. This is where most of the PE classes are taken-when running, they set up cones around the edges, four laps around is equal to one mile. There are trails off to the side that lead to town, but children are discouraged from going along them alone at night.
1 threads & 1 posts
Sun court is a small court yard behind the Ursa Building that is surrounded by Quasar Academy's dorm halls. The yard itself is lush and green and filled with colorful tropical flowers as well as roses and a fountain in the center. Students are welcome to use the benches that are built into the fountain as well as study the plants.
4 threads & 29 posts
A Little Too Loud? [open]
Oct 10, 2018 18:45:33 GMT -5

Stables of Quasar Academy

Located on the east end of the academy plot, Polaris provides prestige teachings within the english discipline. The Stable contains three isles, each with 40 stalls along each side equaling 240 stalls. There are also four washing stalls and a large room for tack. The indoor arena is built separate from the stable and is large enough to house a dressage ring, as well as a show jumping course. Firefly Falls Civilians are welcome to board within the stable.
Located on the west end of the academy plot, Siris provides prestige teachings within the western discipline. The Stable contains three isles, each with 40 stalls along each side equaling 240 stalls. There are also four washing stalls and a large room for tack. Outside is a wide range the school uses for self raised cattle. Firefly Falls Civilians are welcome to board within the stable, as well as use the range for their personal cattle.

The Sanctuary

A small 500 acre reservation is inside the Sanctuary. There are only about 600 Native Americans still living on the reservation, following the old ways of their tribe. It is for the most part off limits to visitors, but shamanism is alive and well amongst the tribes and if western medicine is not working, some will venture in for help in another form. Unfortunately, some of the cures seem to have had some unfortunate side effects; but that is for them to tell you.
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Though it seems like a name stolen from a children's book, it is really just that. It obtained it's name from tales of disappearances of those who ventured there. No one seemed to return when they went into the forest, and others mused of creatures patrolling the side lines.
Once inside though, the sites are so majestic that perhaps it is simply that no one wants to leave its beauty, not that they were stolen away and eaten.
Leading up to the forest and mountains is a large expanse of flat land commonly known as the grasslands. The grass is rarely ever below the knee, and in droughts it is a constant fire hazard-one spark could set a blaze for miles. The soil is of poor quality, so not much other than weeds can grow in the grasslands, but still-when the wind blows and the crickets are chirping, it is a sight to see below the stars.
3 threads & 33 posts
Searching for a home [open!]
Sept 18, 2018 19:25:23 GMT -5
The Sanctuary is larger than the mind can seem to imagine, and many animals call it home. Though they sometimes venture closer, the mass majority of them stay well hidden from human eyes in the far reaches of what even those living on the reservation deem "the wilderness". It is wild, wonderful, unpredictable, and many legends and stories are associated with it amongst the creatures that choose to call it home.
14 threads & 134 posts
Lost [Cactus Blossom]
Oct 16, 2022 14:05:20 GMT -5

OOC Area

We have the monetary system installed, and this is where all transactions will take place. The rules and information regarding the money system is also present here.
15 threads & 28 posts
Jenn's Sub-board
Aug 15, 2017 11:36:49 GMT -5
Just want to have a chat or introduce yourself? Come find fun things to do with other members here!
5 threads & 13 posts
Nov 18, 2018 18:26:00 GMT -5
All inactive site threads will be moved here to their given category. Only members can access this board. If you feel that a thread has been moved here before you were complete, please contact a staff member to move it back and unlock it.
The inactive characters board is MEMBERS ONLY, if you are a former member and would like your template, please email us.
132 threads & 981 posts
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54 threads & 56 posts
Equus RPG - Into The Afterlife
May 23, 2023 12:43:53 GMT -5

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Equus RPG - Into The Afterlife
May 23, 2023 12:43:53 GMT -5
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